Wednesday 5 September 2012

Go at 'em lads!

First of many...I hope. 

He has a metal trim on his jacket and shoulder guard to signify his (slightly) higher status, if status really is the right word to describe social standing on a Corsair ship...

Bloopers... way too many, notice how the marines are crystal clear. Thats the problem with using a phone camera, but I'll have to make do.

Its a Corsiar Bo'sun, by the way, if anyone's wondering.

Not sure whether making the pictures bigger is actually, seems to make them less attractrive but hey ho. Alse learnt (and  wasted time to find out) that you can upload stuff straight onto blogspot from your PC withotu using an image hosting site. Awesome.  

Would say the Captain's next but I'm not making any promises.

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