Thursday 6 September 2012

an unexpected j...discovery

well just discovered i can post on my phone, coming to you live from a bus. this could actually mean the blog is updated more regularly, as im out so much. ive not suddenly become illiterate if youve noticed, its just for some some reason blogspot wont let me use capital letters or certain punction for some reason...or paragraphs for that matter. its very hard to type when you cant actually see the flashy thing.                                                                                                                                                    anyway, we shall just have to make do. Main, my god capital, sorry, main thing i wanted to talk about was the hobbit. an annual revealed some pictures of the cast, and there seemed to be quite a lot of negative responses, mainly about the potrayal of thranduil.                                                                               now, i am not the biggest elf fan, and never will be, and initially i was slighly put off by the picture, which i will add later. however this was mainly due to reading others views on the subject. you may notice he has the crown on his head, rather unusual, you may say, but  he is stated as wearing one in the    book, and given that he is in a combative pose, i think its quite a clever idea as it seems almost fastened to his head, much more useful than a conventional crown. can you imagine aragorn fighting with his crown? a very elf like feature if you ask me, keeping glamour without sacrificing fighting ability. the robes look a lot like mithril or chainmail to me, he is the king, so why not make them quite lavish and shiny? It still keeps its woodland hues aswell.                                                                         If anyones played the mod for medieval total war two, third age total war, notice how the picture for thranduil is actually quite similar. i think lee pace fits the character very well. he has rings yes, i think these suit him aswell, this a film featuring rings...he may have a few more than celeborn and galadriel, but he a different race of elf, sylvan?                                                                         overall, looking forward to the movies even more after seeing this, and i havent even mentioned favourite character, hes looking even grimmer than usual.                                              well thats my phone based blogging test run, i need to remember not to mess this up else i have to redo it all...must look like im writing an essay on my phone at the moment. oh and just remember before saying anything about thranduil being girly...this is legolas father we are talking about, its part of the look...and it works.              

Credit to for the photo.

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